Study Visa- New Zealand | The University of Auckland, my dilemmas?!?!?!?!

What? Auckland? New Zealand? Why? How?

So many questions, so many confusions, so many dilemmas, but more than that so many dreams and so many aspirations. When I started exploring my options of studying abroad, New Zealand was never on the list. Few of my relatives are in Canada, few of them are in Australia. So for obvious reasons, I also thought of these two places only. But, when I reached the immigration consultant office, they told me about the other options for study visa also like the USA, the UK and New Zealand.

I am a peace lover. I like to stay at places away from the hustle bustle of big cities. My village has a picturesque view of the greenery, peace and joy. Here, you wake up with the pleasant sounds of the birds chirping in the mornings.

But at the same time, the truth was now I wanted to move grow, to explore, to experience a different lifestyle and to blossom out to a different yet amazing world. But will I be able to fit in a city life? My counsellor assured me a full assistance post-landing in the new country.

My counsellor advised me the University of Auckland, New Zealand, after seeing my interest in understanding the various cultures and their perspectives. The Bachelor of Global Studies offered by the University of Auckland will definitely quench my thirst to explore the different cultures across the globe.

My counsellor explained how I can find all the information online about the University, course and place. So, here I was- online- exploring about the place and University. I found it very fascinating that I will be educating from a university which is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. I also checked the detailed structure of the course that I am opting for. It was equally appealing to find out about the topics that I will be covering during my studies. The research projects will enhance my skills immensely.

I am so excited. I got the admission letter yesterday. Waiting for my study visa now. What I am feeling is an absolute blend of happiness and nervousness. I am keeping my fingers crossed.


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